⏱ 2 hours

🔎 Assessment of your level

🔖 Practical work on texts/documents


✅ Prepared for expatriation

✅ More autonomy in your procedures abroad

✅ Effective progression to becoming bilingual/trilingual*

*This result is attainable depending on your willingness to work autonomously and with our teacher.

The number of courses needed varies based on the individual needs of the client.

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SKU N/A Catégorie

The mastery of several languages is among the indispensable tools in the expatriate’s toolkit.

Speaking a foreign language is synonymous with opportunities that most monolingual people don’t have access to. Whether it is to conquer new markets, settle in a new country, access particular services, or travel under good conditions, the English language is indispensable.

Si vous souhaitez vous intégrer pleinement au Monténégro, apprendre la langue serbo-monténégrine vous permettra également de vous créer un réseau social encore plus fort avec les habitants.

Moreover, this language is identical to the Serbian language, spoken throughout the
territory of the former Yugoslavia.

A graduate of the Faculty of Philology in Belgrade, our teacher Jelena Bojović takes care of you regardless of your level, whether it’s in English or in Serbian.

Based in Nantes, Jelena welcomes you in videoconferencing via Skype to conduct the classes.

The course fee is 15€/hour, and by ordering one hour on our site, we offer one free hour for your first session.

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